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Hi there fellow travellers. My name is Mads, I was born on march 27th 1985 in Silkeborg and today I live in Kolding with my girlfriend, Lene, our dog, Nana and our two children, Novi and Karla. I started travelling in 2006, while working at Bowl'n'Fun Silkeborg. My good friend from Highschool, Anders, and I, decided to travel for three months from march-june and we wanted to do a divers course in Thailand, followed up with a bustrip in New Zealand. Anders and I worked full time for six months saving up money and so it began...

Since then, I have been to the United States of America, driving crosscountry on the old Route 66 from Chicago to Los Angeles, diving in "The Keys" in Key West, Miami, travelled Central- and Southamerica including countries like Honduras, Colombia, Argentina, Peru and Bolivia topping the travel with the most fantastic diving in the Galapagos Islands, Ecuador.

Who am I

My family
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